
Acceleration programme for green transition of Micro Businesses, Start-Ups & Self-Enterprises

Project Details

  • Programme: ERASMUS+ KA2
  • Sector: VET
  • Project ID:2023-2-BG01-KA210-VET-000173721
  • Website: Pending
  • Start: 01/01/2024
  • Finish: 30/04/2025
  • Total Grant: 60.000 €

Project Description

Startups, Micro-businesses & Self-Enterprises face specific challenges in making a green transition and integrating sustainability into their operations. These arise firstly from the uncertainty of greening policies and secondly from the strain that greening may place on the limited resources of micro and small businesses. The overall uncertainty in eco-innovation stems from either technology, demand or policy uncertainty. In addition, some of the key challenges that emerge are based on a lack of in-depth information about the opportunities. Therefore, the importance of new, innovative curricula for eco-innovation is essential and increasingly important in today’s business world. Embracing sustainability and adopting environmentally friendly practices offers numerous benefits for businesses, society and the planet. With this in mind, the StartGreen project has been specifically designed to address the educational aspect of the issues that startups and micro-businesses face in making a green transition and integrating sustainability into their daily operations and business activities/services.

Work Packages

  • Activity 1: Project Management
  • Activity 2: ‘Cost-Benefits’ Analysis (CBA) Expert Guide
  • Activity 3: Green Transition Manual
  • Activity 4: Business Seminars
  • Activiry 5: Dissemination & Exploitation activities

Project Partners


🇧🇬 Balkan Bridge EOOD


🇬🇷 The Hive P.C.


Participating Countries: 3

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


Through realising those outcomes/results the target groups (VET providers/trainers, Business Coaches/Mentors and Managers/Owners/Supervisors of Micro Businesses, Start-Ups, Self-Enterprises, and Individuals operating their own businesses) will be educated how green decisions should be implemented based on business data contributing to building their inititatives in cost-effective and enviromental friendly way while also having a guidelines providing concrete strategy with particular steps facilitating their green transition.

The Hive 's Role

The Hive, which provides training and consultancy services on Green Transition, is the expert partner that can lead Activity 3 and cover the needs (guidelines, methodology) for the development of the “Green Transition Manual”. In addition, THE HIVE will organise Focus Group Meetings and a Seminar for VET institutions and business sector representatives in Greece that lack effective trainings/seminars on specific areas related to the circular economy. Last but not least, THE HIVE is the leading partner of the project’s dissemination activities and the creator of the project’s website.

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