Up Senior
Increasing the Financial Literacy Skills of Senior Citizens

Project Details
- Topic: Adult Education
- Programme: ERASMUS+ KA210 Small-scale partnerships
- Sector: KA210 Small-scale partnerships in adult education
- Project ID: 2022-2-EL01-KA210-ADU-
000093393 - Website: https://upsenior.eu
- Start: 01/06/2023
- Finish: 30/09/2024
- Total Grant: 60,000.00 €
Project Description
In the recent years, there has been a growing need for education and training in economics issues, especially for vulnerable groups with limited access to education. In particular, the elderly population demonstrates a low level of financial literacy, which puts them at risk of making unsound financial decisions. Through research that has been carried out, the data confirms the worrying fact that older people do not master financial concepts such as interest compounding, inflation and risk diversification that form the basis for sensible financial decision-making. In this context, the UpSenior project addresses the difficulties faced by the social group of senior citizens in terms of financial literacy. More specifically, the project aims to strengthen the financial literacy skills of senior citizens in the age category of 55+. During the the project’s activities the senior citizens will gain knowledge and practical skills for financial documentation, boost their self-confidence through financial education, get familiarized with the various fees and the national charges. This is considered to ensure their financial security and protect them from the financial threats within the modern financial world.
Work Packages
- WP1 – Project Management
- WP2 – Competences Framework & Assessment Tool
- WP3 – Training Materials for senior citizens’ financial literacy skills
- WP4 – Pilot Testing Sessions
- WP5 – Dissemination & Exploitation Activities

Project Partners
🇮🇹 Crs Laghi srl
🇧🇬 Balkan Bridge EOOD
Participating Countries: 3
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

At the local, regional, and national levels, the UpSenior’s methodology expects to contribute to the development of skills and competences of the adult beneficiaries and staff working with adults, to apply the EU Dimensions of adult trainings, adult policies, and approaches to handle issues related with senior citizens, to contribute to sustainability awareness and social inclusion of the learners, and to expand the trainers’ and staffs’ vison with new training methodologies. At European and international levels, the consortium will implement transnational dissemination of project outputs and create indirect impact at a European level. It is also expected the widen of the partners’ networks inside and outside their countries and the creation of new connection with new organizations.
The Hive 's Role
The Hive assumes the role of project coordinator, providing leadership in the areas of project management, financial oversight, and quality & evaluation. Additionally, our organization takes the lead in the development of the competencies framework & assessment tool, as well as project dissemination and exploitation activities. We also actively engage in and contribute to all other project activities.